

Alberto Magrin studied architecture at the University of Genoa. He underwent a brief stint in the theatre after having obtained a scholarship to study alongside sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro at University of Urbino. He was awared the ’Libertas Prize’ for visual arts and literature by MP Ferri and collaborated in the creation of the ’G. A. Rol Scientific Association’ in Turin, the purpose of which was to demonstrate man’s victory over the time through the capacity of the individual spirit. In the meantime he was also awarded the ’Open Art Prize’ by MP Vita in Rome. He partecipated in founding of the International Digital Art Organization ONDA. He designed the ONDA Contemporary Art Museum in order to allow internationally renowned artists to construct their own permanent spaces and create a dialogue between themselves and eternity. Like a premonition and a symbol of ’ethernal nothingness’, this project represents the downfall and rebirth of the modern era. Through a series of donations, he succeeded in creating a worldwide network of art galleries, which he called ’Magreen Gallery’, the artworks of which are located in public and private institutions, thus eliminating every form of personal control or management over the works themselves. These artworks are currently held by some of the worlds most important permanent collections: The British Museum (London), MOCA (Los Angeles), Stiftung Museum Kunst Palast (Dusseldorf), Spazio Oberdan (Milan), Staatliche Kunstsammlungen (Dresden), Musée des Beaux Arts (Lyon), Galleria Civica di Arte Contemporanea (Trento), CAM Casoria Contemporary Art Museum, Pontificia Academia Scientiarum (Vatican City), The State Hermitage Museum (Saint Petersburg). Publications: ’Alberto’ (Monograph – Guardamagna Editore, 2009), ’Brackets’ (Poems – Il Filo, 2010), ’The acrobats of time’ (Poems – Seneca Edizioni, 2011), ’Coincidences’ (Poems – Seneca Edizioni, 2012), ’Science, conscience, knowledge’ (Monograph – Il Geko Editions, 2015), ’The spiritual freedom’  (Monograph – 081grafica, 2018). He makes use of every artistic language, experimenting with new techniques. He lives and works in Rapallo (Italy).

The theory of coincidences

‘Coincidences’ determine an individual’s state of being, balanced and in harmony with the universe. In this sense, coincidences can be understood as nature’s purest law, and beyond nature they represent the perpetual bond between the relative and the absolute, as well as the birth of all forms of life and love. They’re a link between reality and imagination, between desire and fantasy, between the body and the spirit, between life and death. The importance of such moments should form the basis of all scientific, artistic, economic, political and religious laws, as they determine the existence and subsistence of human beings upon the Earth, as well as upon any other planet. As the laws indicated above, like their establishment, are inseparable from one another, this theory becomes the bond that could further the quest, the growth and the evolution of mankind.

Space : Sound = Light : Time

(Alberto Magrin)

Critical note

Alberto Magrin’s latest works arise from the ’Theory of Coincidences’ and are based on mediations suspended between the earth and the heavens, between the world of the mundane and that of dreams. Like a modern shaman, the artist receives messages and conveys them to us in the form of photographic images accessible to everyone. The lyricism that distinguishes his works becomes part of them thanks to an ironic play on randomness, a mapped out destiny that can only be made to blossom in our eyes through the artist’s sensitivity. Works derived from real life and recreated experiences, characterized by symbolic meaning, as if attempting to reinterpret the divine message.

(Monica Sampietro)


SI Gallery – Austin, Texas (USA)

GIGARTE – Viareggio 

18th Photo Festival – Milan

Triennale di Arti Visive – Musei di San Salvatore in Lauro – Rome


PARIS PHOTO – Paris (France)

CONGIUNTI Visconteo Castle – Novara

MIA PHOTO FAIR Superstudio Maxi – Milan


VOLTA ART FAIR – Basel (Switzerland)

DALI International Photography Exhibition – Dali (China)

CIAO – Shenzhen (China)

We want the United States of the World – Godiasco-Salice Terme (Pavia)

VISUALI ITALIANE  Fondo Malerba per la Fotografia / Roonee 247 fine arts gallery – Tokyo (Japan)

CAVO FEST 2019 Archaeological Park – Santa Geffa (Trani)

FOTOFEVER Magreen Gallery – Carrousel du Louvre – Paris (France)

Kabutar – Karachi (Pakistan, Italy, France, The Netherlands, Turkey)

Trade Art Gallery – S.Margherita, Milano, Dubai (Italy, Emirates Arab United) 


COINCIDENZE Villa Brentano – Busto Garolfo – Milan

ARCHIVIO Fondo Malerba per la Fotografia – Milan

ANTHROPOSOPHICART Villa Brentano – Busto Garolfo – Milan

KUNSTHAL 45 – Den Helder (Holland)

CAM Contemporary Art Museum – Casoria – Naples

Global Village 2016 (Holland-Germany-Denmark)

Litvai Galerie – Landshut (Germany)

ArtZaanstad BACKFIRE – Zaandam (Holland)

MUSINF – Senigallia

Art-house Galerie – Thun (Switzerland)

56th Venice Biennale – National Pavilions (Guatemala-Grenada)

EXPO Feeding the planet – Milan

PARIS PHOTO – Grand Palais (France)

Officina delle zattere – Venice

Fama-Fame ASC Gallery Window Space – London (England)

We want the United States of the World – Magreen Gallery – S. Margherita

ARTVERONA Project Fair – Cavana Arte Contemporanea – Verona

Festival NAA Barcelos (Portugal)

INVIDEO Fabbrica del Vapore – Milan

BAF Bergamo Arte Fiera

PHOTISSIMA Archivio Storico di Stato – Venice

OPENING Magreen Gallery – S. Margherita

ETERNA-MENTE Camera dei Deputati – Rome

Galleria RezArte – Reggio Emilia

STUDIO RA – London Biennale (England)

Palazzo delle Arti – Paternò


Reinventing Art – St. Petersburg (Russia)

International Izmir Art Biennial (Turkey)

NewsfromArt – Fabrika – Ferrara

Bienal de Cerveira (Portugal)

Magistrale 2010 – Freies Museum Berlino (Germany)

NAE – Nuove Arti Espressive – Carnago 

MACRO Festarte Video Art Festival – Rome

TRANSVIDEOPLAY Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Update_3 Body Sound – Zebrastraat (Belgium)

Matt Roberts Gallery – London (England)

Domani rinasco – Scandiano

Teoria delle coincidenze – Satura Gallery – Genoa

LA CHIENA Spazio Utopia – Campagna

Decameron Pop – Spazio Libero – Milan

Visitors – International Video Art Activity Canakkale (Turkey)

FABRIKArte Festival Villa Farsetti – S.Maria di Sala

Siris Festival – Nova Siri

Internazionale Italia Arte – Villa Gualino – Turin

ARTWEARE TwoxFour Gallery – Scandiano

SGUARDI SONORI Villa d’Este – Tivoli 

EARTH AIR USE Centro Monumentale S.Michele a Ripa – Rome

UAVM Virtual Museum (Portugal)

HEP – Valladolid (Spain)

Archè – Genoa capital of culture 2004 a.C.

Human Emotion Project – Brancaleone – Rome

iBiennial of Contemporary Art – London (England)

Galleria d’Arte La Ricerca – Bergamo

CologneOFF – Cologne Film Festival – Norimberga (Germany)

EROS&THANATOS Primo Piano LivinGallery – Lecce

EM’ARTE Ecomuseo – Castellina Marittima

Barberart – Foro Boario – Nizza Monferrato

Espacio Enter – Isole Canarie (Spain)

MAGMART International Videoart Festival – Naples

Baratti Centro Civico La Corte – Padua

LUMIERE Primo Piano LivinGallery – Lecce

Pacific Northwest Center for Photography – Portland (Oregon)

Spazi Evasi RE-USE Palazzo Sirena – Francavilla al mare

Festival of Media Art Teatro Junghans – Venice

Scuderie Aldobrandini – Frascati


l’ONDA Castello Litta – Gambolò

II Florence Biennale

FANZINE Galleria D.E.A. – Florence

Fabbricanti di Libri – Palazzo Grassi – Aradeo

Galleria Officina Fotografica – Milan

PRIX ARS ELECTRONICA 2007 – Linz (Austria)

VI Salon Internacional d’Arte Digital Havana (Cuba)

INVIDEO Spazio Oberdan – Milan-Stuttgart (Italy-Germany)

Obsession International Video Art Festival – Istanbul (Turkey)

Satura Gallery – Genoa

MOCA Museum of Computer Art – New York (USA)

MUSINF Autoritratto fotografico – Senigallia